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22 mm ladijska vezana plošča

Marine Ply / Marine Plywood Thickness : 22mm strength/toughness: Very tough wood. It is often used in ship building and other structures that are placed on or near water. A 22mm marine plywood is very popular to use by a lot of people because it holds many great features and the advantages of using other types in wood. It is these unique characteristics that make it a preferred choice for boat builders and those involved in marine projects. 


The high water resistance of 22mm marine plywood is one of the main features. When casting lead, it will not rot, decay or fall apart when exposed to water for long periods of time so opt for 22 mm morski sloj from Jiangsu hysen. This is quite important for boats as they are always with water. Marine Plywood 22mm is fundamentally stable and will not delaminate in the moist conditions marine plywood must handle. It is perfect in building boats and other marine constructions, could handle a lot of weight load, withstand for compression forces.

Why 22mm marine plywood is a top choice for boat builders

22mm marine plywood is the selection for boat builders as it offers a high level of strength and security. If you build a boat, then each part of that craft must be able to resist the ravages it will suffer on the open ocean. For those harsh conditions a Morska plošča from Jiangsu hysen offers the longevity required to survive and also being water resistant are preventions same as of rot influence. This also includes the property that you can easily work with this kind of plywood and it is easy to cut and shape them in any way according to a specific type of boat.

Zakaj izbrati vezane plošče jiangsu hysen 22mm za mornarice?

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