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Laminated marine ply

For a material to make your boat strong and safe, never look elsewhere but on the modern edges brought by laminated marine ply. An innovative material, jiangsu hysen marine ply board is created by gluing many layers of wood veneer together and afterward laminating them with high pressure and heat. Anyone building a boat and seeking very great strength, durability, and water resistance will thus find the laminated marine ply very appropriate to withstand such a harsh marine environment. Continue reading to get to know this incredible material.

Advantages of Laminated Marine Ply

There are many advantages associated with using laminated marine ply for boat building. First and foremost, it is incredibly strong and resilient for its application on a boat's hull, deck, and other structures. The jiangsu hysen laminated marine plywood is also highly water-resistant, which means that it won't rot or warp under moisture. Normally, the laminated marine ply is further coated with a layer of resin or varnish to make it increasingly resistant to water and offer protection from UV radiation.


Why choose jiangsu hysen Laminated marine ply?

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